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Full Agenda

11:40 - 12:55 WIB

Bebas Aktif Room

Session E1

Can Prabowo's Administration Take Indonesia's Climate Policy to the Next Level?

Session Partner: Universitas Pasundan (UNPAS)

Under the leadership of President Prabowo Subianto, Indonesia is prioritizing food and energy security, with a strong focus on transitioning to renewable energy and reducing emissions. At COP-29 in Baku, Indonesia emphasized the importance of energy independence and emission reduction, setting ambitious targets to increase renewable energy generation capacity to 75%, rehabilitate 12 million hectares of forest, and develop a robust carbon trading system. As the global climate crisis intensifies, Indonesia is expected to further enhance its climate commitments, including a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 to contribute to the global effort to limit temperature rise to below 1.5°C.

The session "Can the Prabowo Administration Take Indonesia’s Climate Policy to The Next Level?" will delve into the climate and energy policies outlined by the Prabowo Subianto administration for the next five years. It will analyze the potential for success, identify key challenges, and explore the necessary steps to accelerate Indonesia's transition towards a climate-resilient and sustainable economic future.

Di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Prabowo Subianto, Indonesia memprioritaskan ketahanan pangan dan energi, dengan fokus pada transisi energi terbarukan dan pengurangan emisi. Dalam pernyataan di COP-29 Baku, Indonesia menegaskan pentingnya kemandirian energi dan pengurangan emisi, dengan target meningkatkan kapasitas pembangkit energi terbarukan hingga 75%, merehabilitasi 12 juta hektar hutan, dan mengembangkan perdagangan karbon. Di tengah krisis iklim yang mendesak, Indonesia dituntut untuk memiliki komitmen yang lebih ambisius, seperti pengurangan emisi 50% pada 2030 dan pencapaian net-zero pada 2050, untuk membatasi peningkatan suhu global di bawah 1,5°C.

Sesi "Can the Prabowo Administration Take Indonesia’s Climate Policy to The Next Level?" akan mengupas strategi kebijakan iklim dan energi yang diusung oleh Pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto dalam 5 tahun ke depan, serta menganalisis potensi keberhasilan, tantangan, dan langkah-langkah kunci untuk mengakselerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang berketahanan iklim dan berkelanjutan.



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