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Full Agenda

15:20 - 16:20 WIB

Wayang Bistro

Side Event 2

What Time Does He Wake Up, What Does He Read? A Closer Look at Prabowo the Person by His Biographer, Dirgayuza Setiawan

The session "What Time Does He Wake Up, What Does He Read? A Closer Look at Prabowo the Person by His Biographer, Dirgayuza Setiawan" offers a unique glimpse into the personal dimension of President Prabowo. As he navigates Indonesia through a turbulent geopolitical landscape, one key question lingers: What kind of leader will he be, and what will Indonesia become under his leadership?

Drawing from his biographer's insights, the discussion will explore how President Prabowo's academic achievements, military service, and political journey have shaped his principles and values. Beyond the policies and public perceptions, this session delves into the man himself, unveiling the personal traits and experiences that define Indonesia's current President.

Sesi "What Time Does He Wake Up, What Does He Read? A Closer Look at Prabowo the Person by His Biographer, Dirgayuza Setiawan" menawarkan pandangan unik tentang sisi personal Presiden Prabowo. Saat beliau memimpin Indonesia di tengah lanskap geopolitik yang penuh gejolak, satu pertanyaan utama tetap muncul: Pemimpin seperti apa beliau, dan bagaimana masa depan Indonesia di bawah kepemimpinannya?

Melalui wawasan dari penulis biografinya, diskusi ini akan mengupas bagaimana pencapaian akademik, pengalaman militer, dan perjalanan politik Presiden Prabowo telah membentuk prinsip dan nilai-nilainya. Lebih dari sekadar kebijakan dan persepsi publik, sesi ini menggali lebih dalam tentang sosok pribadinya, mengungkap pengalaman dan karakteristik yang mendefinisikan Presiden Indonesia saat ini.



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